Please see the below photo taken yesterday in the trash room.
The trash room is NOT the dumping ground for items that should be discarded by other means such as Norfolk’s electronic recycling program, hazardous waste program or bulk waste disposal.
What is the trash room for?
General Household waste which should be placed in one of the two dumpsters
Recyclable Items which should be placed in the bins with yellow lids
A list of acceptable recyclable items can be found on the trash room wall
Remember to flatten cardboard boxes
Household batteries are acceptable if placed in the clearly marked black wastebasket
What the trash room is NOT for:
Electronics (the city of Norfolk sponsors electronic recycle events twice a year)
Electronics means appliances, cords, cables, computers, lithium or lead batteries
Large household items such as furniture, mattresses
Hazardous waste such as paint cans, solvents, oil, gasoline, insecticide, propane or aerosol tanks or cans.
