As a reminder, the Pilot House (PH) has engaged Anthony Repass of Chesapeake Painting to refurbish the entry doors of units 204 to 603. The Convenants Committee selected a metallic paint to be applied on the strips of the doors. The cost for this painting will be allocated to Pilot House funds.
In addition to painting the strips on the doors, some of you have elected to have your entry doors refurbished. To refurbish the doors, Anthony has agreed to sand, touch up scuff marks and scratches on the doors, and apply gel stain and polyurethane. The cost of this is $80 for each door which equates to $160 for the two entry doors to the units. The expense for this will be borne by unit owners, not Pilot House funds. Payment for this can be included in your fourth quarterly assessment, due October 1 or you can elect to pay this separately from your quarterly assessment.
Chesapeake Painting expects to start work on refurbishing the doors on Monday, September 11th. Work will begin on the 6th floor, before proceeding to the 5th floor, 4th floor, and so forth. Anthony expects drying time to take 6 to 8 hours which means the doors will need to remain partially open during this time.
If you are not home when Anthony reaches your unit, the door will be unlocked with a master key, and re-locked when drying is complete.
If you have any questions about this project, please free to contact either me (757-513-0123) or Gail Handley (319-329-9512).
Thank you. Jeanne Bowers