A recent question came up about Radon Levels in Virginia. See the following article:

STUDY: 25% of homes across the Commonwealth report dangerously high levels of radon
by: Allie Barefoot Posted: Jan 4, 2023 / 06:55 AM EST
RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — January is Radon Action Month, and the American Lung. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas emitted from the ground. Radon can enter a home through cracks in floors, basement walls, foundations, and other openings. According to the American Lung Association, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in people who have never smoked.
A study by the American Lung Association found 25% of homes tested across Virginia had dangerously high levels of radon gas.
You can measure the radon levels in your home by buying a do-it-yourself kit online. Both short-term and long-term measuring kits are available. You can also contact the Virginia radon program with the Virginia Department of Health to hire a certified radon-testing professional.
Per the map my understanding is that because our region rests on sand rather than bedrock that the incidence or radon present in structures is very low. It is a different story in central Virginia and the western part of the state, especially if there is a basement. Radon is also especially high in New England and parts of Pennsylvania.