Neighbors & Friends,
Beginning in April the Social Committee will kickoff our informal cocktail hour series. Every 2nd friday of each month (April - September) starting at 5:30PM will be the designated day & time to gather on the Pilot House Pier (weather permitting) to socialize. If weather interferes, then we can plan on the following friday (2nd Friday) of the month. These events will also be listed on the Pilot House Calendar. In addition, reminders will be sent out the Monday of the designated week.
This series of events will be a bring-your-own-beverage & app activity. Anything you’d like to share is welcome. While the Social Committee is working on more formal events, we wanted to establish more informal activities as yet another way for friends and neighbors to further socialize during the warmer months. Please feel free to bring your friends or visitors.
Thanks for your attention,
Pilot House Social Committee