Thanks to all the owners who came to the annual meeting yesterday. It was a beautiful afternoon. Bruce Robertson and Daniel Goldstein were elected to 3 year terms. Following the annual owners meeting the board met to select officers for the year. The new officers are as follows
President: Karen Doty
Vice president: Daniel Goldstein
Treasurer: Bruce Robertson
Secretary: Jeanne Bowers
At-Large: Berri Pratt
The new board looks forward to working with everyone in support of our building and community.
A special thank you to Gary Naigle for all his years of service on the Board and to Bruce Robertson for his three years as president!
Congratulations to all! And a special shout out to Gary for his devotion to the Pilot House... I cannot count how many times I've seen him in the hallways changing lighting that had gone out, shoveling snow and the myriad other jobs that helped maintain the building!
Many thanks to you all on the board for accepting the responsibility along with an abundance of challenges with an aging building. That list of accomplishments evidences all the hard work, research and attention to the details, that board participation requires. We are mighty lucky to have y'all on the board--please don't move!!! sue o