Pilot House Condominium Association
Minutes of the Board of Directors
June 10, 2019
The special meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at
6:00p.m. All members being present a quorum was established.
Jeanne Bowers moved that the reading of the minutes of the May 20, 2019
meeting be waived and the minutes approved as written. Stephanie
Stringer seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Garage Refurbishment. Stephanie Stringer reported on additional
information from the two companies that had submitted bids on the
project. Power House Painters has provided additional information.
Compo Construction had not responded to requested information.
Karen Doty reported on Power House’s references, including additional
commercial references provided.
Howard Gould expressed concerned on the lack of additional bidders on
the project.
Due to incomplete information and reference questions, the board decided
not to approve the award of the contract to either company at this time.
Karen Doty agreed to follow up with Compo construction and attempt to
contact additional contractors. Gary Naigle agreed to look into posting our
project on the builders exchange. Howard Gould will follow up with
contractors he knows.
Jeanne Bowers advised that we had $100,000 to spend on the project.
The next meeting was set for June 24, 2019 at 3:30 p.m.
Karen Doty moved to adjourn. Gary Naigle seconded and the meeting was
adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Karen Doty, Secretary