Reminder, if you haven’t already done so, to please RSVP for the event. So far, It’s looking like we will have a good portion of the community In attendance.
The Pilot House Social Committee would like to invite Pilot House Residents to “A Great Shucking Shindig” on Oct 23, 2021 @ 3PM. We request you RSVP to this event no later then Oct 19th.
Event Details:
The main dish will feature 300 Eastern Shore Oysters, sourced with the help of Jack Miles.
Claim Chowder (Thanks to Jack & Emily Miles for providing and preparing)
The catered buffet will include, Italian Bruschetta, Mushroom Bruschetta, Fruit and Cheese tray, and Spanikopita (Catering provided by Omar’s Carriage House).
Various deserts will be sourced from Chocollage, provided by Kathie Moore.
Limited Red/White Wine will be provided
Limited non-alcoholic beverages will be provided
Large cooler will be avalible if attendee’s wish to BYOB
Event will also debut newly sourced pergola lighting, thanks to the Pilot House Covenants Committee
Please bring a chair.
Rain Plan:
In the event of rain or otherwise not so nice weather, the garage will be the alternative event site.
Calling all Shuckers!
If you are able to shuck oysters, please bring your shucking knife. We will have some available as well.
Grill will be available for oysters steaming as well.
The Social Committee wishes to thank The Pilot House Association Board of Directors, The Covenants Committee, Jack & Emily Miles, Kathie Moore, & Omar’s Carriage House for their support.
Look forward to seeing you all!
Social Committee (Steve Clayton, Kathie Moore, Phil Copley)