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The board recently updated our CONTRACTOR INFORMATION document with information important to you. This document primarily covers your responsibilities and your contractor’s responsibilities for renovations, large deliveries/removals (refrigerators, sofas, dressers etc.), and roof access for either the lower or upper roof.

The primary changes to this document are in the first section and geared to keeping track of contractors’ comings and goings. While we hope to never have any damage to our common areas, including our new roof, if something does happen, we’ll have a record of the contractors and technicians who have performed work for us.

Changes include:

· Residents are no longer required to get written board approval for renovations.  

· Residents are asked to simply notify Robin (via regular email) when engaging a contractor or technician for renovations, large deliveries/removals, and upper or lower roof access.

This notification includes:

· your name and unit number

· whether it’s a renovation, large delivery/removal, or lower or upper roof access

· the contractor’s name and contact info

· start and expected end date

· whether the contractor/technician has liability insurance

With your simple notification to Robin, we’ll have a record of these activities and we’ll follow up only in the event of any damage occurring.

You’ll be able to easily access a copy of this document any time since several copies will be posted on our bulletin board (please take one when you need it), and it will be posted on the Pilot House website for you to just print as needed.



CONTRACTOR INFORMATION                      AUGUST 2020


1. Notify*The Select Group via Robin Jopp at of your planned renovations (i.e. removing or replacing existing kitchen cabinets, appliances, flooring etc.), of large deliveries/removals OR if your contractor/technician needs to access the roof. No notification necessary for small jobs. Written approval not required; just notification.

2. Ask your contractor to provide documentation to you indicating liability insurance to cover any damages to the common elements such as walls, flooring, paint, furniture, elevators, walkways, etc. If your contractor does not or can not provide this information, THE OWNER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO THESE OR OTHER COMMON AREAS.

3. Inform your contractor they may use the designated parking spaces for service workers in the upper lot (the 2 closest to the walkway to the lobby) if available. If your contractor requires a temporary street parking permit, either you or your contractor can obtain a 30-day permit from the City of Norfolk for a fee.

4. Assure any renovations comply with the Pilot House Rules and Regulations.

5. Review the CONTRACTORS/TECHNICIANS section with your contractor/technician to assure they’re aware of and adhere to these guidelines.

6. Accompany your contractor for large deliveries/removals to assure no damage is done.

*Notifications: include owner/resident name, whether it’s a renovation, a large delivery/removal, which roof access (upper or lower), contractor’s name and contact info, start date and expected end date, and whether the contractor has insurance .


1. May work only between 8 AM and 5 PM and are restricted to weekdays, except in emergency situations.

2. May not park in the spaces immediately to the right or left of the PH garage doors, and may not remove the orange barrel to make space to park. These are illegal spaces and block a resident’s exit from the garage, block our trash pickup, and block the city’s fire hydrant.

3. May not smoke anywhere on Pilot House grounds.

4. May not leave open and unattended or blocked: all glass entry doors, main entry gate, upper lot garage gates, or lower lot garage doors or any other entry/exit door.

5. May not use the Pilot House luggage, grocery and/or pier carts.

6. May not use the Pilot House trash room, dumpsters or recycle bins. 

As required

1. Must cover common area carpets with runners or other protection for their work pathways. 

2. May use only one elevator and must install the wall pads and floor covering during the time any work is performed.  These may be kept in the elevator overnight on the days work is being conducted, but both must be removed on the weekends, folded and placed under the stairs in the 2nd floor south stairwell. With 3-day notice to Robin Jopp at The Select Group (486-6000), our cleaning service will install and remove these elevator protections.


· Owners and contractors must notify  Robin Jopp at The Select Group (486-6000) and obtain written approval from the Board of Directors for any exceptions to these rules.


· Placed on the Pilot House Website for unit owners

· Placed on the Pilot House Bulletin Board, including extra copies for easy access for owners.

· Provided by Robin Jopp to contractors commissioned by the board for any general work done at the Pilot House.

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