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We’ve made some minor updates to our Safety Plan in the section for the Safety Committee on prepping the garage for flooding and that new document is below. There were no other changes.

Feel free to print this so you have info for fire and storm emergencies handy. It will also be placed on our Bulletin Board, and will be on our website.

Pilot House Condominium

421 West Bute Street

Norfolk, Virginia 23510




If you become aware of a fire:


CALL 911


  • On floors 2-6, fire alarms are located on the wall near the stairwells.

  • PULLING THE ALARM WILL DEACTIVATE THE ELEVATORS, will activate the building alarm to alert everyone to evacuate the building, and will notify both the fire department and SELECT GROUP.

  • Any activated sprinkler in a hallway, a unit, storage area, electric room, etc. will also trigger the building alarm.

  • If you are unable to pull the alarm and have already called 911, please also call SELECT GROUP at 486-6000. NOTE: after hours, that number rings to the SELECT GROUP’s emergency line and someone will respond.

  • SELECT GROUP, a Safety Committee member, a PH Board member, or any resident should open and secure at least one of the garage doors. Simply move the metal plate (located on the garage floor just to the right of the exit door) to in front of the ‘OUT’ garage door. This will allow access for the Fire Department and allow residents to efficiently move their cars out if necessary.

  • After the Fire Department has declared all clear and residents are cleared to return to their units, the FD will reset the elevator.


Suggestions to residents:

  • Know where the closest pull alarms, fire extinguishers and stairwells are on your floor.

  • Keep a fully charged fire extinguisher easily accessible in your unit.

  • When you’re traveling, consider leaving a key to your unit and to your car with another resident with permission for that person to enter your unit or move your car.

  • Consider notifying SELECT GROUP at 486-6000 if you’re going to be traveling. For an emergency in your unit (or in other units that could affect your unit), someone from SELECT GROUP will know to contact you.


Unit Owners Responsibilities

  • Move all balcony furniture, planters and decorative items to a safe place, away from the wind.  Flying objects can cause a lot of damage. Or, if you’re not around, please arrange with someone else to do this for you.

  • Move your car to either the street, or if the City of Norfolk opens their garages as they often do, please consider that option as well.  If you’re going to be out of town and unable to move your car, please leave a key with someone who can move it for you.  Keep in mind there isn’t enough clearance in the garage to allow for a tow truck.

  • Boat owners should move their boats to a more secure location not affected by tidal surge. Boat owners are responsible for the necessary labor, lines, tools, tackle, and evacuating or securing of their boats.

The City of Norfolk has designated the Pilot House as located in Zone A. During a mandatory evacuation order, Zone A will be the first group affected by the evacuation. Please follow recommendations from the City.


Safety Committee Responsibilities

Gary or designee from the Safety Committee will call The Select Group at 486-6000 and coordinate:  

  • Sand bags (stored at South end of garage): using contracted labor, install sandbags at flood prone locations including at drain in the pump room; install flood barriers around the garage lobby, at the storage room door and at the electrical room door (barriers stored in the electrical room located to the right of the garage lobby and in the farthest southeast parking space).

  • Pump: procuring a pump as needed for flood management.

Gary or a Safety Committee designee will

  • Shut off electricity for dock at the main panel in the electrical room using the big handle marked “Pier” when the water level reaches the top of the pier.

  • Reset dock electricity with 2-3 days drying time after the storm has passed.

  • Stop the elevator on the 2nd floor and take it out of service. The key for this is stored in the mailroom. In the elevator room located to the right of the garage lobby, cut off the 2 main breakers. After our elevator maintenance service inspects the elevators, the elevators will be reset.

  • Open upper and lower level parking gates and shut off power.

  • Remove deck and lower lobby furniture to higher levels

  • Deploy portable gasoline-powered water pumps in garage after storm has passed (stored in the electrical room in 2 large yellow bins).

Pilot House SAFETY PLAN SEPT 2020.doc

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